Side Folding Grills
Side Folding Grills

Open Curtain Model
ESG30, Glazed Curtain Model ESG31
Side Folding
Grilles and Closures provide security and access control in openings to 12'
high with low headroom conditions.
Track: The
overhead track is an extruded heavy-duty aluminum section 1 1/2" wide, 1 7/8"
high. Continuous recesses are extruded into profile to accept splice tongues
and pins wherever track splices are necessary. Track required for curved
openings has a standard 10" radius: 90°, 120°, 135°, and 150°
curves are standard. Custom radii and angles are offered. Grilles can
incorporate multiple connecting sections. No floor track required.
Manual push / pull operation.
Side Folding
Grille and Closure Benefits:
- Less Headroom
Clearance than rolling grilles.
- Space-saving
Alignment: Curtains stack compactly (see chart) at one end of an opening or
bi-part and stack at both ends, typically require stack space equal to about
25% of opening width.
Side Folding
Grille and Closure Options Include:
- Pocket Door: Finished
door and frame unit conceals stacked curtain when grille is retracted. Formed
of bent steel and powder coated.
- Locking: Concealed
cylinder-operated hook-bolt locks into full height strike channel and is
operable from both sides of curtain. Cylinder-operated drop-bolt locks on
intermediate members fit floor strike plates.
VISIONGLIDE Open Curtain Design (Model ESG30): Allows
air to freely circulate. Vertical 5/16" diameter aluminum tubes on 2" centers.
Horizontal chains formed of eyeletted aluminum links on 12", 9", 6", or 3"
centers. A series of 6" high continuous interlocking extruded aluminum panels
form the top and bottom of the curtain. Continuous vertical hangers are located
at every fourth vertical tube. Hangers are equipped with trolley assemblies
with two nylon tired ball bearing rollers.
Finish & Materials: Aluminum rods, tube spacers and link chains may be
mill finish, clear or color anodized. Track, end members, intermediate members,
and hinged panels may be clear or color anodized.
Solid Panel Curtain Design (Model ESG31): Curtain may be constructed using
full aluminum panels preventing visual access or fitted with glazing panels in
clear, flame retardant 1/8" thick polycarbonate material, G.E. LexanÒ or
equal. Glazed panels run full height between 5 1/2" high extruded aluminum
closure panels at the top and bottom. Hanger tubes at every other closure panel
are fitted with trolley assemblies and nylon-tired ball bearing rollers, which
support the curtain.
Finish & Materials: Aluminum parts may be clear or color anodized.
Folding Grilles and Closures
A Canadian Overhead Door Company Servicing all Ontario Canada